Red Flags of Abuse

If you are in a relationship or are starting a new one, it is important to be aware of the types of behaviours that are commonly observed in abusive people.

If the person you are dating shows some of these traits, it is important that you proceed with caution:

Moves too fast in a new relationship

Jealousy - wants you all to himself


Blaming of others - sees himself as a victim


Doesn’t respect boundaries

Entitlement - deserving of special treatment

Controlling - often disguised as concern for your safety

Deception and lying

Tries to restrict your exercise of very ordinary adult rights or freedoms

Believes he is or acts superior to others

Isolates you from family and friends

Uses force during arguments

Accuses you of being unfaithful

Sabotages your efforts to use birth control

Cruel or disrespectful to other people or animals

Has a history of abuse (which he denies)

Disregards your boundaries around sex

Convinces you that you are to blame for relationship problems

Convinces you that your memory is faulty

Research shows that people who have been in abusive relationships in the past (even as children) are more likely to find themselves in one again. These people should exercise special care when entering new relationships.
Learn more about abusive relationships with rAInbow.

Are you unsure whether your relationship is healthy? If so, take this abuse assessment to learn more.